Minutes 27th November 2022
In November the Steering Group focussed on edits and updates to the Design Code and draft policies which they have been working on with AECOM and the consultants hired for the task.
In November the Steering Group focussed on edits and updates to the Design Code and draft policies which they have been working on with AECOM and the consultants hired for the task.
October’s Steering Group meeting focussed on the work underway to develop the Design Code for Hingham, and the Vision which guides it.
September’s Steering Group meeting covered progress since the last meeting in July. There have been lots of updates from the various professional bodies who are consultants to the Neighbourhood Plan.
September’s Steering Group meeting covered progress since the last meeting in July. There have been lots of updates from the various professional bodies who are consultants to the Neighbourhood Plan.
Work has started on pulling together all sources of evidence and data gathered so far in order to form a base on which to build our draft Neighbourhood Plan.
This meeting covered the results of the Household Survey in detail, as well as updates on stakeholder engagement, Design Codes work, Housing Needs Assessment and more.
We are issuing a Call for Sites to any landowners who may have land available which could potentially enable the town to supply amenities which we currently lack. This could be a car park, green spaces, recreational areas, or any of the many facilities our town might benefit from.