Minutes 29th March 2022
Held on Tuesday 29th March at 7.30pm in the Christian Fellowship Church
Rachel Leggett, Sam Coster, Anne List, Austen Williams, Rufus Philip, Paul Roberts, Steve Thompson. Also present via Zoom Steph Amey and Emma Harrison.
1. Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Alison Doe and Virginia Twentyman.
2. Accuracy of Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting held on 21 February 2022 were agreed as correct.
3. Steering Group Membership
Due to the fact one community volunteer had not taken up their place on the Group, a discussion was held to decide if it was necessary to ask a reserve volunteer to join the Group. It was agreed that Sam Coster would approach a selected individual agreed by the meeting, prior to the next meeting to invite them to join the Group.
4. Data Profile
Emma Harrison thanked the members for their comments regarding the draft data profile, which had resulted in changes being made. A complete list of businesses in Hingham, to be supplied by SNDC still needs to be checked as it was believed that Sole Traders were not listed. It was agreed the draft data profile should be prefaced to state the list may be incomplete. The Data Profile is to be a working document.
*Action – Alison to check business list with SNDC
*Action – Emma to check local businesses with Yell.com
5. Character Appraisal
Rachel stated she will place design codes on the Dropbox account. AECOM are commissioned to assist us and it’s a free service. The intention is to obtain a really good description of Hingham. Rachel showed examples of other locations. The Character Appraisal is a document that describes the district appearance and feel of a settlement or area. Rachel advised the members to really get to know Hingham well. One example of something being poorly designed and built but then having a different user experience would be a footpath that users avoid by cutting a corner. She explained that there were real contrasts between differing areas of Hingham.
On two large maps of the parish and town, the steering group discussed and marked the differing character areas by way of considering land use, building types, periods of construction, boundaries, roads and rivers. The Conservation areas were already described in detail by SNDC so these did not require describing again. Once the areas were broadly marked, Rachel stated she would tidy the map markings up and circulate. The next stage required was to utilise the character appraisal templates for each of the identified areas
*Action – steering group members to complete character appraisals for the following areas over the following month if possible:
1. The Hops – Paul
2. Green Spaces – Anne
3. Industrial areas – Austen
4. Watton Road – Laura
5. Dereham Road – Rufus
6. Seamere / Hall Lane – Steve
7. Hardingham Road – Steph
8. Bears Lane – Virginia
Sam will co-ordinate the results. Members should also use other sources of information to assist them, such as Listed building lists and descriptions, Historic records, archaeological records, Historic England website, local books of the area, Conservation areas and associated appraisals.
This process will assist in informing policy development in the plan. Rachel advised not to focus on individual buildings and their appearances. At least 5 photos should be taken of each area. The appraisals should be in clear accurate language. Wherever possible local people should be involved to assist.
6. Feedback from Drop-in Event / Community Engagement
The event held on 19 March at Lincoln Hall had been attended by 66 persons however the demographic skewed generally to the older population who were predominantly residents. Emma suggested further views could be obtained from an online survey. The process would be to continue ongoing community and that in approximately May, a paper and online survey could go to residents and businesses.
Rachel suggested a list of possible local community based organisations and clubs that could be approached by pairs of steering group members. She will provide a template to use for one of the pair to ask questions and the second person to write notes. The list will be placed on Dropbox.
The annual Town Council meeting on 19 April will be an opportunity to address additional members of public and local community groups.
7. Communications
A letter had been received from the ex-head of the Hingham Road Campaign Group with ideas for the Neighbourhood Plan
*Action – receipt of the letter to be acknowledged by Sam
Rachel thanked the members who had attended to assist the drop-in event and asked that the group ensure an update was placed in the Parish magazine and that the results of the forum were placed on the Hingham Neighbourhood Plan website.
*Action – Louise to update website
*Action – Parish magazine to be updated via usual HTC monthly update
8. Date of Next Meeting
Next meeting set for DATE with venue still to be notified.