Call for sites
Deadline 5pm on 23rd September 2022
As part of the Neighbourhood Plan it is important for us to consider the merits of making site allocations for various forms of development in and around the town. This includes the potential to address a deficit for a particular facility that has been identified by the local community. We have just undertaken a household survey and a number of land uses have been identified.
This is therefore a call to all landowners who may have sites which may be suitable to accommodate certain identified land uses.
We are primarily looking for sites that would be suitable for the following land uses :
- A village car park
- Recreational use, e.g. formal sport pitches and playing fields etc.
- Green spaces, e.g. informal amenity areas, nature reserves, community woodlands, community orchards, etc
- Community uses, sites that would allow for the expansion of existing community uses or new ones, e.g. community buildings, educational use, heritage/tourist uses, cemetery expansion etc
- Land suitable for energy generation
However, if you have aspirations for alternative uses then we would also like to hear from you. In particular, we would welcome details of land that you may wish to see taken forward.
- For any of the above uses, that are within the parish of Hingham, please could you provide us with the following details:
- A clear statement of which types of development you wish your land to be considered for e.g. car park, community use, recreation etc.
- The area of the land in hectares.
- A plan which clearly shows the extent of the land you wish to be considered.
An understanding of how the site would be accessed by vehicles and opportunities for linking it with existing drainage, footpath, pavements, and cycle routes.
It is important that you submit your sites as part of the Neighbourhood Plan process. An allocation in the finalised Plan will establish the principle of development of the land in question for that particular use (subject to normal planning requirements). Without an allocation in the approved Plan it is unlikely that planning approval for development will be granted.
We require all submissions to be in writing, including all information requested. These can be emailed to: or a paper copy sent to the Town Clerk, address supplied in the documents below.