Minutes 25th April 2023
Held on Tuesday 25th April 2023 at 7.30pm in the Christian Fellowship Church.
Andrea Long (via Zoom), Sam Coster, Anne List, Ali Doe, Austen Williams, Virginia Twentyman, Paul Roberts and Steve Thompson.
1. Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Matthew Bradbury and Steph Amey. Apologies for absence at the previous meeting were received from Virginia
2. Accuracy of Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting held on 22 March 2023 were agreed as correct.
3. Finances
Ali reported that an unspent sum of £1,237.61 on groundworks would be returned. The project had cost around £14,500 to date. We will have to wait for the next financial year’s grants to be set and SNDC’s grant of £6,000 would not be fully used up until the draft consultation stage. She reminded the meeting that the Town Council had agreed to underwrite any remaining costs. She confirmed that Andrea and Rachel had submitted their expense claims.
4. Car Parks
Andrea asked the group to discuss and decide if a car parking policy regarding Ladies Meadow should be incorporated in HING9. It was agreed that Ladies Meadow should be left in the draft plan to be tested with the landowner and the public at the next consultation stage to see if it remains a valid policy. It was agreed that as the AECOM assessment was now finalised, the Diocese (landowner) should be recontacted for a response. Ali confirmed they had been sent paperwork informing them of the intention to include the site in the Neighbourhood Plan but there had been no response.
A discussion took place about the possibility of additional pedestrian access to Ladies Meadow from the footpath running from Rectory Gardens to The Fairland. It was agreed to pursue this idea with the concerned parties.
Andrea explained that Policy HING10 would be a more general section to cover any other possible future ideas on car parking. She explained that the Parking Technical note would not be reproduced in the body of the plan.
5. Draft Neighbourhood Plan feedback
Andrea asked for the group members to send any minor changes and corrections to her. Steve pointed out that there were actually two conservation areas but they had been shown as one in the draft. The scale model Tornado aircraft on Hardingham Road had not been included in the non-listed heritage items as ownership had not been established as yet. It was suggested an enquiry be put on the community Facebook page.
Anne asked about surgery provisions for future developments as the existing surgery is already at capacity. Andrea explained that Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funds would be allocated for Health and Education needs in a calculated proportion.
Andrea asked Steve to re-send her the list of community projects and desires.
Andrea stated she would now work on the outstanding missing texts and policies and that Rachel was going to make the draft report presentable with maps and photos. Steve would take a new photo of the Coronation bus shelter now that it had been refurbished.
Ali explained that there had been Nutrient Neutrality hearings recently and that the Seamere SSSI was not included in the discussions by Natural England. When asked why, Natural England had explained it was a ‘domestic’ site rather than covered by a European designation. Andrea stated it was a National SSSI.
6. Timetable
Andrea explained that the draft plan was getting close to completion and that monthly meetings would not be required after the next one. Ali stated that HTC would have to hold and Extraordinary meeting in the third week of June to discuss and approve the draft plan.
A public consultation would be arranged by Rachel around the beginning of July. Andrea suggested holding a public session on a weekday afternoon and evening prior to a Saturday session. The 8 July was suggested as a possible date and HPFA was suggested as a location as well as Lincoln Hall. Dates would have to be notified to Rachel when known.
7. Correspondence
A further letter had been received from Mr Bedford dated 23 April in which he repeated much of the content of his previous letter and appeared not to accept the decisions or reasoning given by the Steering Group regarding the suggestion about a roundabout and additional carriageway on Norwich Road. After a short discussion it was agreed that Sam would reply pointing out that Mr Bedford had not given any new information that would cause the members to alter their previous decisions on these suggestions.
8. Date of next meeting
The next meeting of the Steering Group will be on 23rd May 2023 at the same venue.
The meeting then closed.